Family members in Russian

Our todays lesson is one of the most important lessons when learning a foreign language, this topic - family members in Russian. Family members' names are universal in many languages, but most family members' names vary widely from language to language. No matter what society you live in, family is important. However, depending on the culture, the role it takes may vary slightly. In Russian and European communities, young people live alone and leave their own homes as soon as they start a family. So let's learn new words on the subject of family members and relatives in Russian.

Relatives in Russian

Relative names in Russian

Whether your family is large or small, you need to learn Russian vocabulary for family members and relatives. We've put together all the basics you need to know to get started. In this lesson, we will learn not only the names of family members in Russian, but also relative names in Russian. Before listing the dictionary, we would like to make a few notes about the differences between Russian and English words for family members. The biggest differences tend to show up in gender names. For example, in Russian the words "племянник" and "племянница" are the same in English: "cousin".

In Russian, you must add the word "старший" in front of the word "брат" to indicate that your brother is older than you. To indicate that your sister is older than you, you should add the word "старшая" in front of the word "сестра". But if your brother is younger than you, you can call him "младший брат", and your younger sister "младшая сестра".

Family members and relatives in Russian

Family members in Russian

Russian proverbs about family and relatives

"Бабушка - вторая мать." - Grandmother is a second mother.

"Брат с братом на медведя ходят." - Brother with brother go on the bear. (If siblings get along well together, they do everything together, they don't get offended.)

"Родных много, а как тонуть - не за кого ухватиться." - There are many relatives, but how to drown - there is no one to grab onto.

"От тёщи не спрячешься в рощи." - You can't hide from your mother-in-law in a grove.

"Бедному зятю и тесть не рад." - Poor groom can not make his father-in-law happy.

"От хорошего братца ума набраться; от худого братца рад отвязаться." - I am glad to gain mind from good brother; and to get rid of my bad brother.

"Муж с женой, что вода с мукой, а тёща дрожжи." - Husband and wife are like water with flour, and mother-in-law is yeast.

"Свекровь злится, что невестка веселится." - The mother-in-law is angry that the daughter-in-law is having fun.

"Такой зять, что ни дать ни взять." - Such a son-in-law, that neither give nor take.

Russian spelling and pronunciation of family members and relatives' names

[ с’им’й’а ] Family
[ ат’`эц ] Father
[ м`ат’ ] Mother
[ бр`ат ] Brother
[ с’истра ] Sister
[ с`ын ] Son
[ д`оч’ ] Daughter
[ д’`эт ] Grandfather
[ б`абушка ] Grandmother
[ м`уш ] Husband
[ жына ] Wife
[ д’`ад’а ] Uncle
[ т’`эт’а ] Aunt
[ р’иб’`энак ] Child
[ бл’изн’иц`ы ] Twins

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